Rotterdam theatre educator visited Baltimore in Oct 2016 to plan exchange programs

Theatre artist and educator Kathie diStefano from Rotterdam’s Avalanche Arts employs participatory techniques and theatre art to create awareness with youth and seniors about the environment through creative strategies to recycle and make smart consumer decisions.  Ms. diStefano visited Baltimore in October 2016 to plan several upcoming exchange projects.

Her October activities included:

Benjamin Franklin High School (BFHS)
  • Planning meeting with staff
  • Introductory workshops with students, to prepare them for Operation Trash exchange program in Spring 2017 semester.
Bard High School Early College Baltimore (BHSEC)
  • Planning meeting with staff
  • Introductory workshops with students, to prepare them for Operation Trash exchange program in Spring 2017 semester.
Professional development workshop Building Global Citizens through Project Based Learning: an Arts-Integrated Training
Professional development workshop for educators and artists on October 27, 2016, conducted by Ms. diStefano together with Elisabeth Gambino from Bard High School Early College Baltimore. Location: Arts Every Day Space at The Motorhouse in Station North. More info:
Filbert Street Community Garden Meeting with volunteers of this community-based urban garden in Brooklyn-Curtis Bay.
Baltimore Green Maps Meeting with Janet Felsten of Baltimore Green Map (
Mann Residential School Meeting with school representatives to plan an artist residency for Ms. diStefano in spring 2017. She will direct an “Eco News Show” theatre production with the school’s children, leveraging her experience with similar productions that she has executed in Rotterdam. It is a way for children to learn about trash and recycling through comedy and improvisational theatre.
Baltimore Office of Sustainability
Meeting with the Environmental Planner at Baltimore city’s Office of Sustainability to discuss possibility of conducting a professional development workshop in 2017, and doing environmental themed programs in South Baltimore Gateway (SBG) schools in the future.
Bridget Parlato from Full Circuit Studio
Meeting with Bridget Parlato to plan upcoming collaborations. Ms. Parlato is a Baltimore-based artist and founder of Baltimore Trash Talk, and initiative inform city residents about the impact of trash and pollution.